Articles are an extremely important means of popular, scholarly,
and technical communication and play a great role as weapons in
political and ideological struggle, in the dissemination of
and in upbringing and education. As a sociopolitical, artistic,
and scientific work the article is partisan and has a distinct
class character. Articles are the product of social
consciousness and,
consequently, are instruments in the class struggle. In all
periods articles have served as powerful means of popularizing
and spreading political views. The article plays a revolutionary
or reactionary
role, depending on the social forces whose ideology it reflects
and propagates. In a capitalist society articles propagating
reactionary ideas are used by the ruling classes as a means of
and national oppression of the broad working masses. In a
socialist society articles serve the interests of the people and
are closely bound up with the life of the people. They are based
on the
principles of partiinost’ (party-mindedness), narodnost’
(conformity to people’s needs), and nauchnosf (scientific
approach), of active humanism, and of proletarian
Literary Nationalism is the record of the best thought,
sentiments and aspiration of a nation. Every nation in history
has a characteristic way of tackling the problems of life as
every individual has his own tastes and idiosyncrasies.
Sometimes it is
argued that a poet, an essayist or a dramatist can rise sheer
above his age and look ahead of his people so far that he can
fix himself even as a star in the heavens.